  • [ ]I am writing this note at a time when public air-quality warnings have discouraged me from opening my California windows for the past several days, and also against going outside unless strictly necessary [ ]my circumstances in Northern California are substantially better than those of my colleagues in the Pacific Northwest ) A fire for social justice enflamed thousands across the United States and globally who had heretofore been indifferent or even averse to declarations like “Black Lives Matter,” “Defund the Police,” and “Abolish ICE” that aim to remap the distribution of resources and power, and repair centuries of systemic harm inflicted upon communities of color Part of a recent movement in scholarship to take more serious consideration of the artistic merits of Revolutionary creative output, “Total Theatre for Total War: Experiences of the Military Play in Revolutionary France” examines the genre of plays that reenacted significant military events through spectacular deployments of technical skill and massive scale, designed to bolster a nascent national identity steeped in the thirst for external conquest Groeneveld traces the evolving discourses of heredity and social psychology and the emergence of Oberammergau—a small, isolated Bavarian community—as a case study of sorts for the supposed mutually beneficial relationship between tightly controlled genetic inheritance and the moral rewards of the town\'s decennial collaboration to produce the Passion Play
  • Theatre_Survey
  • unk
  • WHO
  • World on Fire
  • #1032248
  • 2021


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