  • Severe infection with SARS-CoV-2 is characterized by massive cytokine release and T cell loss. The exaggerated host immune response, incapable of viral clearance, instead aggravates respiratory distress, as well as cardiac and/or damage to other organs. The mortality pattern of SARS-CoV-2 infection, higher in older vs younger adults and almost absent in children, is possibly caused by the effects of age and pre-existing co-morbidities on innate and adaptive immunity. Here, w speculate that the abnormal and excessive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection partly depends on T cell immunological memory, that is more pronounced in adults compared to children, and may significantly contribute to immunopathology and massive collateral damage in COVID-19 patients.
is ?:annotates of
  • 10.1016/
  • Trends_Immunol
  • els-covid
  • document_parses/pdf_json/642e9a47db26d9d3919fe49b8df4a7db3e864b2f.json
  • 33277181.0
  • Elsevier; Medline; PMC
  • T Cells: Warriors of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
  • 2020-11-13


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