  • BACKGROUND: Nutrition is not a treatment for COVID-19, but it is a modifiable contributor to the development of chronic disease, which is highly associated with COVID-19 severe illness and deaths. A well-balanced diet and healthy patterns of eating strengthens the immune system, improve immunometabolism, and reduces the risk of chronic disease and infectious diseases. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to assess the effect of diet, nutrition, obesity and its implications for COVID-19 mortality among 188 countries by using new statistical marginalized two-part (mTP) models. METHODS: For this, we globally evaluate the distribution of diet and nutrition in national level with considering the varieties between different who regions. The effects of food supply categories and obesities, as well as associations, on/with the number of deaths and the number of recovers, reported globally by estimating coefficients and conducting the color maps. RESULTS: Findings show that one percent increase in supplementation of Pulses, reduced the odds of having a zero death by 4-fold (OR=4.12, 95% CI: 11.97 to 1.42). Also, One percent increase in supplementation of Animal Products and Meat, increase the odds of having a zero death by 1.076-fold (OR=1.076, 95% CI: 1.01 to 1.15) and 1.13-fold (OR=1.13, 95% CI: 1.0 to 1.28) respectively. Treenuts, reduced the odds of having a zero death and Vegetables increase the number of deaths. Globally results also show that, populations (countries) with more consume of Eggs, Cereals Excluding Beer, Spices, and Stimulants had the greatest impact on the recovery of patients with COVID-19. In addition, populations with more consume of Meat, Vegetal products, Sugar & Sweeteners, Sugar crops, Animal fats, and Animal products were associated with more death and less recovery in patients. The effect of consuming sugar products on mortality is very considerable, while obesity has affected in more deaths and fewer recovery rates. CONCLUSIONS: Although there are differences in pattern diets across the world, overall, unbalanced diets are a health threat across the globe and not just affecting death rates but also the quality of life. To achieve best results in preventing nutrition-related pandemic diseases, strategies and policies should fully recognize the essential role of both diet and obesity in determining good nutrition and optimal health. Policies and programs must address the need for change at the individual level as well as the modifications in society and the environment to make healthier choices accessible and preferable.
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Diet, nutrition, obesity and its implications for COVID-19 mortality: A marginalized two-part model for semi-continuous data
  • #1028983
  • 2020


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