  • INTRODUCTION Due to Covid-19, innovative, virtual educational methods are being developed to provide students with learning experiences comparable to established clinical practices. Our objective was to produce the Periodontal Senior Case Clinical Challenge (PSCCC) that would provide fourth-year students an alternative for senior case presentations and would be a formative assessment for which student opinions would be provided and analyzed. The PSCCC would utilize an online, case-based, written, clinical assessment, and follow-up, structured discussion to challenge students to demonstrate ability to apply didactic periodontal knowledge to patient-based experiences. We hypothesized the PSCCC would provide effective learning and a formative assessment. MATERIAL AND METHODS Relevant didactic resources were distributed to 48 students for independent review. The PSCCC was delivered in two sections, (1) a case-based assessment via a virtual classroom with written student responses, and (2) oral discussions conducted via virtual meetings that were moderated and assessed by ten periodontists, with the collaboration of nine residents. A voluntary six-statement survey was used to evaluate the students\' opinions of the PSCCC. The scores for 75% (36/48) of students who participated were evaluated for statistical and clinical importance. RESULTS The value of our PSCCC was supported by 91.7% (33/36) of the analyses (P ≤ 0.0008). DISCUSSION The PSCCC was a successful alternative pathway to assess students\' clinical and didactic integrated knowledge in periodontics. It provided a unified vision of treatment of the selected case, building on all aspects of the students\' periodontal education while allowing interaction in a simultaneous, three-tiered educational approach, involving dental students, periodontal residents, and faculty. CONCLUSION In support of our hypothesis, for each of the 6 statements, ≥ 94.44% (34/36) of the scores given by the students were considered exceptionally strong clinical support for our pedagogical strategy that combines educational resources and can be successfully implemented in other programs.
  • 10.1111/eje.12657
  • European_journal_of_dental_education_:_official_journal_of_the_Association_for_Dental_Education_in_Europe
  • unk
  • 33386660
  • Medline
  • THE PERIODONTAL SENIOR CASE CLINICAL challenge: students\' Opinions of a formative virtual Assessment during the COVID-19 emergency.
  • 2021-01-01


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