  • AIM The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced many mental health professionals to therapy via videoconferencing. Mostly individual teletherapy has been offered and studied, although group therapy is often offered in clinics. In fact, little is known regarding group therapy\'s acceptability, feasibility, and potential impact when offered via videoconferencing. METHODS This pilot study offered group cognitive-behavioural therapy for psychosis via videoconferencing to 14 individuals with early psychosis either living in remote areas or confined during the pandemic. RESULTS The rate of consenting to the study (79%) and actual participation rates were acceptable (18.5 sessions out of 24). Although some technological obstacles were encountered, solutions offered allowed the videoconferencing group to be considered feasible for most participants and therapists. Prepost results on symptoms and self-esteem were comparable to those of other studies using the same group treatment but in-person. Alliance scores seemed similar as well. CONCLUSIONS More studies are warranted on the efficacy of group therapy via videoconferencing. This pilot study does offer promising results, suggesting that a wider range of people with early psychosis can be reached and benefit from the advantages of receiving an evidence-based group intervention.
  • 10.1111/eip.13099
  • Early_intervention_in_psychiatry
  • unk
  • 33354926
  • Medline
  • Group therapy via videoconferencing for individuals with early psychosis: A pilot study.
  • 2020-12-23


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