The sudden ravaging outbreak of a novel coronavirus, or SARS-CoV-2, in terms of virulence, severity, and casualties has already overtaken previous versions of coronaviruses, like SARS CoV and MERS CoV Originating from its epicenter in Wuhan, China, this mutated version of the influenza virus with its associated pandemic effects has engulfed the whole world with awful speed In the midst of this bewildering situation, medical and scientific communities are on their toes to produce the potential vaccine-mediated eradication of this virus Though the chances are really high, to date no such panacea has been reported The time requirements for the onerous procedures of human trials for the successful clinical translation of any vaccine or potential therapeutics are also a major concern In order to build some resistance against this massive pandemic, the repurposing of some earlier antiviral drugs has been done, along with the refurbishment of some immune-responsive alternative avenues, like monoclonal antibody mediated neutralization, interferon treatment, and plasma therapy New drugs developed from the RBD domain of the virus spike protein and drugs targeting viral proteases are also undergoing further research and have shown potential from preliminary results The sole purpose of this review article is to provide a brief collective overview of the recent status of therapeutics advances and approaches, and their current state of implementation for the management of COVID-19