  • Covid 19 pandemic is a terrible ongoing pandemic that has spread world-wide Covid 19 Pandemic has infected more than 188 countries and terri-tories across the globe The basic biological processes and functional limitations that govern the development and survival of the particular behaviors of the virus continue to be elucidated On that note, Prevention is the only cure The World is facing a great economic turmoil People suffer from Psychological stress and Economic burden combined Here assessing the Psychologi-cal, Physical, Social, Financial and Economic impacts of the Pandemic on the people becomes really very important in analysing the mindset of the people and in evaluating the significance of implemented changes and in implement-ing new changes The current study aims at analysing the various impacts of Covid 19 on the people residing at the Greater Chennai corporation circle
is ?:annotates of
  • International_Journal_of_Research_in_Pharmaceutical_Sciences
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • Awareness about COVID 19 pandemic and its social impacts on normal human lifestyle among Chennai population
  • #844408
  • 2020


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