  • At the end of 2019, a new viral pandemic evolution totaly surprised all services worldwide This pandemic hit has a huge interference with three global crises: governance, economics, and migration (1) It is a new coronavirus infection, \'COVID-19\' (which is the acronym of \'coronavirus disease 2019\'), first reported to the WHO Country Office in China on the 31st of December 2019 and detected in Wuhan, the largest metropolitan area in China\'s Hubei province (2), COVID-19 outbreak situation on 6 April 2020 was with more than 1 175 000 confirmed cases, more than 65 000 deaths and already reported in 209 countries (3) This new coronavirus belongs to the Orthocoronavirinae subfamily of the Coronaviridae family (order Nidovirales) and it is a positive-stranded RNA virus with a crown-like appearance under an electron microscope, SARS-CoV-2 belonging to the beta CoVs human category It is sensitive to ultraviolet rays and heat and is inactivated by lipid solvents including ether (75%), ethanol, chlorine-containing disinfectant, peroxyacetic acid and chloroform (except for chlorhexidine) (4) Genomic analyses suggest that SARS-CoV-2 probably evolved from a strain found in bats The mammalian host between bats and humans is not well known;also, it is not certain whether this intermediary really exists (5) The pathogenic mechanism inducing pneumonia is complex The virus is capable of producing an excessive immune reaction in the host;for some patients, the disaster starts from a \'cytokine storm\' with tissue damage (one of the protagonists is IL6) (6)
is ?:annotates of
  • Maedica_(Buchar)
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • Possible Nutritional Interventions in COVID 19
  • #782644
  • 2020


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