  • Objective: The study\'s main purpose has been to analyze the international scientific production that describes the support of virtual communities for diabetes mellitus, available on the ISI Web of Knowledge/Web of ScienceTM database. Methods: It is a bibliometric study, in the time frame between 1945 and 2018, with descriptive analysis performed with the aid of HistCiteTM software. Results: There were identified 175 articles, published in 113 different journals, written by 817 authors linked to 322 research institutions located in 30 countries, 7,023 references were used, with an average of 40 references per article. Conclusion: Although the number of studies on social media and diabetes is growing, the literature still points to the lack of longitudinal studies that broaden the understanding of the meanings usually attributed to the disease and identify recurrent cognitive lapses in these spaces, as well as the quality of the information that is posted and shared online, thus highlighting the need for future studies that investigate their impact on users
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  • Rev._Pesqui._(Univ._Fed._Estado_Rio_J.,_Online)
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Apoio online de comunidades virtuais ao portador de diabetes mellitus: revisão bibliométrica/ Online support from virtual communities towards diabetes mellitus patients: a bibliometric review/ Apoyo online de las comunidades virtuales al portador diabetes mellitus: revisión bibliométrica
  • #1119460
  • 2020


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