  • The COVID-19 pandemic has had disproportionately negative impacts on socially disadvantaged and underserved populations around the world. Inequality and the related social determinants that impact certain groups are directly related to the adverse health outcomes of vulnerable populations during the pandemic. People in disadvantaged communities are generally more prone to occupational exposure to the virus and tend to have limited access to health care and higher rates of comorbidities. Outcomes related to widespread school closures are also of particular concern for underserved communities. Additionally, these populations are more susceptible to the negative economic outcomes of the pandemic. There is an urgent need for research and policy solutions regarding the impact of the COVID-19, with particular attention to the needs of disadvantaged and vulnerable populations, a foundation for which is offered in this discussion.
is ?:annotates of
  • World_Med._Health_Policy
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Social Determinants and COVID-19 Disparities: Differential Pandemic Effects and Dynamics
  • #754701
  • #935221
  • 2020


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