  • The ongoing SARS CoV-2 pandemic also known as COVID-19 is a highly infectious and deadly disease that has disrupted socio-economic activities and killed over 500 000 people worldwide during the past six months since it first erupted in Wuhan China in December 2019 While intensive efforts are under way in the developed countries to find a vaccine and cure for the disease, Cameroon and other African countries should not fold their hands and wait, but join the search for new remedies including from cures from traditional herbs while rigorously applying barrier and social distancing measures that have proven effective in in curbing the spread of the disease Herein we enumerate a short list of research priorities that are feasible in our milieu and that could improve on diagnostics, treatment and prevention of the disease in the short and medium terms
is ?:annotates of
  • Journal_of_Cameroon_Academy_of_Sciences
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • Priority research themes in the fight against the COVID-19 with particular reference to Cameroon
  • #832182
  • 2020


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