COVID-19 is rarely reported in children and they are mildly affected in most cases. The most common clinical presentation of COVID-19 is cough, fever and sore throat; severe cases show tachypnea. The course of the disease is from one to two weeks. Laboratory findings are nonspecific; lymphopenia, elevation of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin have been described. Early chest X-ray is usually normal, and the most common tomographic findings are consolidations with halo, ground-glass opacities and tiny nodules which mainly affects subpleural areas. Management of the disease is supportive; in severe cases, it should be focused on respiratory support. It is recommended to limit the handling of respiratory secretions and to follow the same preventive measures provided to adults.
RESUMEN La enfermedad del coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) es poco frecuente en niños y su salud se ve poco comprometida en la mayoría de casos La presentación clínica más común es tos, fiebre y eritema faríngeo, los casos graves suelen presentarse con taquipnea El curso de la enfermedad es de una a dos semanas Los hallazgos de laboratorio son inespecíficos, entre ellos, linfopenia, elevación de la proteína C reactiva y la procalcitonina En fases iniciales, la radiografía torácica es usualmente normal, y los hallazgos tomográficos más comunes son consolidaciones con signo del halo, vidrio esmerilado y nódulos pequeños, que afectan principalmente las zonas subpleurales El manejo es sintomático y, en los casos graves, debe estar enfocado a brindar soporte respiratorio Se recomienda que la manipulación de las secreciones respiratorias sea limitada y que se tengan las mismas precauciones para evitar contaminación que en pacientes adultos ABSTRACT COVID-19 is rarely reported in children and they are mildly affected in most cases The most common clinical presentation of COVID-19 is cough, fever and sore throat;severe cases show tachypnea The course of the disease is from one to two weeks Laboratory findings are nonspecific;lymphopenia, elevation of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin have been described Early chest X-ray is usually normal, and the most common tomographic findings are consolidations with halo, ground-glass opacities and tiny nodules which mainly affects subpleural areas Management of the disease is supportive;in severe cases, it should be focused on respiratory support It is recommended to limit the handling of respiratory secretions and to follow the same preventive measures provided to adults