  • The existence of global problems in the world and the increase in the speed of these problems in com-parison to centuries cause fluctuations in the world population While the events directly affecting the world population are concentrated on certain masses, the perception of the society is also affected in this direction and creates cultural changes One of these global problems is Covid-19 pandemic, which began to spread from Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019 WHO declared covid-19 caused by corona virus as a pandemic on March 11, 2020 It spreads rapidly through the respiratory tract and is declared to result in death, especially in patients with chronic diseases and the elderly It is supported by cultural codes that pandemic is a respiratory disease that increases the risk of death of the elderly population and follows different policies around treatment, care, prevention and protection according to the development level of the countries Being under direct risk, the elderly population over the age of 65 and those with chronic illnesses in Turkey faced curfew on March 22 and protection approaches are intended to be taken for the elderly population It is predicted that the risk of transmission will increase compared to the density of the elderly population and measures have been taken accord-ingly It should be emphasized that the epidemic process and the measures taken affect the aging culture, and cultural changes should be determined by taking into consideration the rate of increase in the population In this way, revealing the value gains and losses of the elderly in the society and the change experienced by the culture of the aging through the epidemic process will be evaluated in terms of folklore When the policies of the state are analyzed, the viewpoint of the society towards the elderly and the vital value of the elderly can change For this reason, it is necessary to reveal the difference between the policies pursued by the state from the policies followed in other world states and to determine the culture-based approaches Policies on health, economy, socialization, physical isolation, social support and the protection and preventive measures implemented in this context have enabled the change of the culture of elderliness and the change in the society’s perception of elderly in remembering, longing, belonging, fear and anxiety arising from the loss of their value attract attention How the elderly perceive the epidemic, how they reflect their feelings and perceptions on social media, and their attitude towards the reactions have been directly influential in the regaining of their social roles The obligatory contact of the elderly group with technology took place in this period and acquiring the right information through the media has gained importance in terms of ease of access to information Since the prevention of socialization with the curfew only covers the physical distance, communication with people continued remotely through technology, neighbors, friends, balconies, building spaces, etc and it is thought that communication has been used more intensively with the change of size When those who comply with the decisions implemented by the state within the scope of health measures and those who do not comply are evaluated, it can be concluded that the perception of aging in the society gains value It can be said that the approach established by the state on protection and trust is based on respect and love for the elderly in culture With being a risk group, following precautions, using warnings that appeal to emotions and using appropriate language, the state has modeled the behavior of the elderly with the methods it has followed and it is understood that social memory is an example in recalling cultural codes © 2020, Milli Folklor Dergisi All rights reserved
is ?:annotates of
  • Milli_Folklor
  • unk
is ?:relation_isRelatedTo_publication of
  • WHO
  • The cultural change of the perception of elderliness during coronavirus outbreak
  • #829568
  • 2020


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