[\'Clinical Department of Neurosurgery, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland\', \'Center for Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw, Poland; Clinical Department of Interventional Cardiology, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. pszymanski@ptkardio.pl\', \'Emergency Department, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland\', \'Clinical Department of Internal Diseases and Hepatology, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland\', \'Clinical Department of Internal Diseases and Rheumatology, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland\', \'Clinical Department of Urology and Urological Oncology, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland\', \'Center for Postgraduate Medical Education, Warsaw, Poland; Clinical Department of Interventional Cardiology, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland\', \'Diagnostic Radiology Department, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland\', \'Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland\', \'Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland\', \'Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland; Satellite Campus in Warsaw, University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz, Warsaw, Poland\']