[\'From deCODE Genetics/Amgen (D.F.G., G.L.N., P.M., K.G., H.H., A.O.A., K. Bjarnadottir, B. Thorsteinsdottir, S.K., K. Birgisdottir, A.M.K., G.A.A., E.V.I., M.A., F.J., A.B.A., J.B., B.E., R.F., E.E.G., S.G., K.R.G., A.G., A.H., B.O.J., A.J., H.J., T.K., D.N.M., O.T.M., S.R., L.R., A.S., G. Sveinbjornsson, K.E.S., E.A.T., B. Thorbjornsson, J.S., G.M., G.G., U.T., I.J., P.S., K.S.), the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (D.F.G., P.M.), the Department of Anthropology (A.H.), the BioMedical Center (K.G.K.), and the Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences (M.I.S., M.G., K.G.K., R.P., U.T., I.J., K.S.), University of Iceland, Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation Services (E.E., D.H., R.F.I., M.G., L.B.O., M.K., R.P.), the Division of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (M.I.S.), and the Department of Clinical Microbiology (O.S.G., T.R.G., K.G.K., M.S.), Landspitali-the National University Hospital, and the Directorate of Health (G. Sigmundsdottir, M.T., K.S.J., A.M., T.G.), Reykjavik, and the Health Care Institution of South Iceland, Selfoss (S.H.K.) - all in Iceland.\']