[\'From the Cardiology Department, Rabin Medical Center, Beilinson Hospital, Petah Tikva (G.W., S.H., I.R., M.W., Y.A., T.G., R.K.), the Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University (G.W., S.H., I.R., M.W., Y.A., T.G., R.K.), and the Innovation Division, Clalit Research Institute, Clalit Health Services (N.B., O.A., N.D., R.D.B.), Tel Aviv, and the Department of Software and Information Systems Engineering (N.B., N.D.) and the School of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences (R.D.B.), Ben Gurion University, Be\'er Sheva - all in Israel; and the Department of Biomedical Informatics, Harvard Medical School (N.B., N.D.), and the Ivan and Francesca Berkowitz Family Living Laboratory Collaboration at Harvard Medical School and Clalit Research Institute (N.B., N.D., R.D.B.) - both in Boston.\']