[\'FDPO GBOU VO «Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry. A.I. Evdokimov» Ministry of Health of Russia.\', \'City Clinical Hospital No. 52 of the Moscow Department of Health.\', \'GBUZ «Blood Center nam. O.K. Gavrilov DZM».\', \'Gomel city polyclinic No. 1.\', \'Gomel city clinical hospital No. 2.\', \'Gomel City Clinical Hospital No. 3.\', \'State Institution Republican Scientific and Practical Center «Mother and Child».\', \'OGBUZ «Smolensk Blood Center».\', \'GBU RS (Y) «Blood Transfusion Station».\', \'OGBUZ «Clinical Hospital No. 1».\', \'FGBOU VO Smolensk State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia.\']