  • The objective of this study is to investigate the phys health, sleequality and emotional status of the isolated people during the outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia, so as to provide reliable basis for the prevention and improvement of the phys and mental health of the isolated people A total of 145 isolated people were tested online with the Short Form Health Survey-36 items (SF-36), Pittsburgh SleeQuality Index (PSQI) and Depression Anxiety Stress scale-21 (DASS-21) The difference were compared by X squire test and t test A total of 123 valid questionnaires were received, with an effective rate of 84 8%, including 13 in medical quarantine and 110 in autonomous quarantine The mental health of the isolated people were poor, and role-emotional of the medical isolators were significantly lower than that of the autonomous isolators (P<0 05) The PSQtotal score of the isolation people was significantly higher than that of the Chinese norm, and for the medical isolators, sleequality decreased, take longs to fall asleep, and they were more prone to sleedisorders (P<0 05) The depression and stress subscale scores of the isolated people were higher than that in the medical isolators (P<0 05) In conclusion, the mental health level of quarantine personal have been greatly affected, which requires attention
is ?:annotates of
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Investigation of physical and mental health in isolated people during the outbreak of novel corona virus pneumonia
  • #2017
  • 2020


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