In the course of the pandemic induced by the appearance of a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2;COVID-19) causing acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), we had to rethink the diagnostic approach for patients suffering from respiratory symptoms Indeed, although the use of RT-PCR remains the keystone of the diagnosis, the delay in diagnosis as well as the overload of the microbiological platforms have led us to make almost systematic the use of thoracic imaging for taking in charge of patients In this context, thoracic imaging has shown a major interest in diagnostic aid in order to better guide the management of patients admitted to hospital The most common signs encountered are particularly well described in thoracic computed tomography Typical imaging combines bilateral, predominantly peripheral and posterior, multi-lobar, ground glass opacities Of note, it is common to identify significant lesions in asymptomatic patients, with imaging sometimes preceding the onset of symptoms Beyond conventional chest imaging, many teams have developed new artificial intelligence tools to better help clinicians in decision-making