  • Mental health facilities should be equipped to care for patients while preventing spread of COVID-19. Peer-reviewed literature and guidelines for government and health organizations were reviewed to guide best practices. Gunderson\'s five therapeutic functions of a milieu are used as a conceptual framework. Patients should be screened for infection according to local or national policy prior to admission to an inpatient mental health unit. While interacting with one another in a therapeutic milieu, patients should be encouraged to practice physical distancing and hand hygiene. Clinicians may need to alter therapeutic groups to prevent COVID-19 infection. Additionally, clinicians should monitor patients for emerging symptoms and conduct rapid testing and isolation of patients suspected of COVID-19. Recommendations are made for patients unable to adhere to physical distancing or hand hygiene policies.
  • Issues_Ment_Health_Nurs
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Preventing COVID-19 Infection in Mental Health Units: Recommendations for Best Practices
  • #780159
  • 2020


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