In January 2020, we met with COVID-19 (aka SARS-Co-V-2 and/or Corona virus) on our news channels all the way from china Little did we know that it would shake up our lives in such a manner that we had heard only in a movie or read in history books Currently we are all in some sort of lockdown, be it in hospital/home or in our minds Being there, most of us are facing certain kind of misery, be it emotional, mental, physical or social To be expansive the most common stresses that have been addressed by people on mass media platform are feeling of depression and isolation caused by being away from family and friends, some are complaining of losing their enthusiasm, some of gaining weight, some of losing it and many more Going through a pandemic is also helping people in some or the other way, one of which is being con-cerned about their health and habits to keep themselves fit and away from serious comorbidities which can stem out from physical inactivity and height-ened stress levels There are many ways to stay fit at home without any com-plex gym equipment, but far less is known about it Thus, an understanding of methods through which one can become physically active with least complex-ity, easy availability, and appropriate utilization is need of the hour