As humanity is progressing, many new borne infections are borne, and the stability and efficiency of the human body are being tested Today the World is fighting with a deadly Novel infection named Corona Virus Disease The aim of this systematic review is to find out the efficacy of Nutritional Interventions against the infections caused in the body due to pathogens Further, the recommendations can be made for further researches based on the evidence collected To collect the data, electronic databases such as Scopus, Pub Med, NCBI, and web of science have been used The peer-reviewed journals and newspaper reports are being cited with the English language The papers were published from 1989 to 2020 Finally, a total of twelve studies were identified, and the pathways of all nutrient metabolisms are included in the study The studies were mostly carried out in Asian and European countries on human as well as animals All the studies except one supported the role of Nutrients in preventing and curing the infection caused by pathogens such as Bacteria and Viruses The Dietary Interventions in any form were proven to have a positive effect on strengthening the Immune system and also curing the disease The results are supporting that Adaptive immunity can help a person to fight with COVID-19 Mostly the adaptive immunity is built by vaccinations or certain medications But many researches showed that a diet filled with nutrients and the right choices of food can help to build adaptive immunity