  • From the Overview: The global COVID-19 [coronavirus disease 2019] pandemic is having a significant negative impact on the economies of Central Asia Trade has been severely disrupted, healthcare systems are coming under strain, and consumption and investment are plummeting The crisis is affecting key drivers of growth in the region, including migrant remittances, oil and mineral exports, and the service sector Relatively undiversified structures of production and exports, along with the high level of informality in some countries, have exacerbated a number of challenges that arise as governments respond to the crisis and have put pressure on public finances Governments in the region have made serious interventions to support the liquidity of households and businesses and most of them are now starting to relax confinement measures A number of countries have implemented short-term public health, monetary and economic policy measures, especially for small firms and have received emergency assistance from international partners The gradual deconfinement initiated in some countries will call for a careful observation of health measures and the use of test, track and trace strategies when possible as well as the continuation of some economic support to accompany business reopening and recovery This will also be an opportunity to consider long-term overdue structural reforms to the business environment and competition that will be crucial to long-term recovery and resilience COVID-19 (Disease);International trade;Expenditures, Public;Public health;Disaster recovery
is ?:annotates of
  • unk
  • WHO
  • COVID-19 Crisis Response in Central Asia
  • #740351
  • 2020


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