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The COVID-19 pandemic required a shift of graduate medical education recruitment to a virtual format. In order to share information and insight into the culture of our program with applicants, we created a smartphone app for those that were invited for an interview. By collecting the analytics of the app, we were able to follow trends in the timing of applicants downloading the app, their viewing histories, and when information was accessed. The app was mostly downloaded at the time of the interview invite or 48 h prior to the interview day. Around the interview day, applicants tended to access trainee profiles, faculty profiles, and videos about the program and community. Closer to the rank list due date, training information, the graduate medical education (GME) documents, and the diversity and wellness initiatives seemed to have more activity. This analysis from the use of a smartphone app in virtual recruitment gives insight into the use of a smartphone app by applicants, and the information that they find useful during the process.
Smartphone Apps in Graduate Medical Education Virtual Recruitment During the COVID-19 Pandemic