  • The emergency department set up a prescreening station on arrival for all patients, and any patients suspected of COVID-19 were diverted to other triage areas, minimizing potential exposures [ ]our health care system took a leadership role in reaching out to the community, supporting a 24/7 public hotline, testing structure and telehealth support COVID-19 infection guidelines are strictly implemented, COVID team, COVID wards created, RIST at all entrance of the hospital, distancing is strictly implemented, webinars, continuous education of staff, HCW online, RIST before going to work every day for nurses, non-punitive off duty for staff if they are not feeling well or if there\'s a family member who is sick, patient education and staff training EXPANDING BED CAPACITY = Converting underutilized units in the hospital to an intensive care or stepdown units and training procedural nurses with the acute nurses to work hand-in-hand
  • Nephrology_Nursing_Journal
  • unk
  • WHO
  • COVID-19 Pandemic: Nephrology Experiences – Voices from the Frontlines: Part 3
  • #1008293
  • 2020


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