P31 Figure 1Sinusoidal dilatation with lymphocytes infiltration (curtesy of zhangy)[Figure omitted See PDF]Abstract P31 Figure 2(A) Associated between mortality of covid-19 patients and child T-pugh score (curtesy of moon AL);(B) Liver decompensation by the stage of cirrhosis (curtesy of moon AL)[Figure omitted See PDF]ConclusionCovid-19 Induced Hepatitis (CIH) is a new clinical syndrome, which can be defined as a ‘benign new transient hepatitis in a SARS-CoV-2 patients which icharacterized by the following;Gradual onset, elevated AST and ALT, Dilated sinusoids with lymphocytic infiltration of liver parenchyma, non-Obstructive jaundice, stable Underlying liver disease and no Radiological new hepatobiliary changes ’ Using GADOUR criteria may support the diagnosis, however, sensitivity and specificity are yet to be established Meticulous statistical studies need to be done before establishing overly sensitive scoring system can be reach