  • The current COVID-19 pandemic is producing an unprecedented impact in the different spheres of life, at the same time that it has highlighted the importance that the Bioethics discipline has in analyzing and deliberating of emerging ethical challenges, before making reasonable and prudent decisions. The management and communication of information on this crisis has not been properly addressed, where it is considered that its negative effects may lead not only to interfere with the communication channels with citizens but also affect the expected adherence of the population to the indications that they need to follow. This issue is especially complex when experiencing a period of information explosion, a phenomenon called \'infodemic\' by the World Health Organization. This article, claiming the ethical and legal imperative to act responsibly in collecting, using, and disse minating the information that helps any authority that plays a social function, proposes a series of recommendations to achieve its effectiveness in practice.
  • 10.32641/rchped.vi91i5.2420
  • Revista_chilena_de_pediatria
  • unk
  • 33399646
  • Medline
  • [The responsible use and dissemination of information in a pandemic: an ethical imperative].
  • 2020-10-01


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