  • Currently, there is a lack of reliable patient-centric educational videos in otolaryngology. In light of COVID-19, otolaryngologists have had to see patients through virtual visits and have been encouraged to send patients home after nonelective surgery. Additionally, most hospitals are not permitting patients\' family members and caretakers to enter patient rooms, thus often preventing them from receiving adequate education on postoperative care. Embracing educational videos as a valuable tool will improve communication with patients, especially during the times of COVID-19 and beyond. The goal of this commentary is to describe our early lessons learned in developing educational videos in a streamlined, efficient, and accessible format that can be shared among all members of the multidisciplinary and design production team. Background on the use of multimedia to reduce patient anxiety and frustration with surgical interventions is provided.
  • 10.1177/0194599820925043
  • Otolaryngology--head_and_neck_surgery_:_official_journal_of_American_Academy_of_Otolaryngology-Head_and_Neck_Surgery
  • unk
  • 32366158.0
  • Medline
  • Creation of Educational Videos for Patients Undergoing Nonelective Surgery: Tools for the COVID-19 Era.
  • 2020-05-05


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