  • BACKGROUND The COVID-19 pandemic has brought attention to the role of the immune system The immune system can be strengthened by diet, supplements and good hygiene practices The immune system is comprised of different cells contained in the blood, lymph, and tissues that are distributed across the body A large number of cells and even greater numbers of chemical messengers engage in the body\'s immune defence In immune response blood cells, B-lymphocytes and T- lymphocytes play a vital role The world health organization, urges people to follow a healthier lifestyle, saying it will increase their chances of a quick recovery Proper nutrition is required for proper functioning of immune system Therefore, healthy balanced diet is the best way to support the immune function Vitamins and minerals are important ingredients of the diet that the body requires to work properly Vit D is required in limited amounts to maintain good health Vitamins and minerals together are also called micronutrients, as they are required in very small quantities On the other hand, carbs, proteins and fats are altogether termed as macronutrients In recent years, vitamins A, C, D, and E, believed to have an effect on the immune system, have gained significant attention because they are involved in enhancement of immune systems Solely, vit-A is involved in proper functioning of eye, immune system and also takes care of skin and genes In green leafy vegetables, carrots, pumpkin, melons and mangoes vitamins are present in form of pre-vitamins, and further converted into active vit A inside the human body It is surprising that liver, yolk of egg, butter, whole milk, and cheese are active source of vitamin A Having a healthy diet including lots of fruits, vegetables is a key component of healthy lifestyles and plays a crucial role in maintaining a properly functioning and efficient immune system to defend against infections and other diseases All the data was assessed from online search (PubMed, Google Scholar) In this review article we concentrate on vitamins and minerals
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  • Journal_of_Evolution_of_Medical_and_Dental_Sciences-Jemds
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Improving Immunity during Covid-19 Pandemic - A Review
  • #732654
  • 2020


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