  • In the past four months SARS-CoV-2 has reached most countries in the world Public health strategies based on widespread testing and proper isolation of positive cases have shown to be helpful to reduce local transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Confirmatory tests, that identify viral RNA, and screening serological tests that identify viral antigens or host antibodies against viral proteins are part of the tools that nations can use to fight infectious disease epidemics Understanding how each test works can provide insights about their test characteristics and how they can be used for different clinical and public health goals Testing is a key strategy to reduce viral transmission, not only for this epidemic, but also for others to come Resumen En los últimos cuatro meses, el virus SARS-CoV-2 ha llegado a la mayoría de países en el mundo Las estrategias de salud pública basadas en la realización masiva de pruebas diagnósticas y el aislamiento focalizado de casos positivos han demostrado ser útiles para la reducción de la transmisión de SARS-CoV-2 Las pruebas confirmatorias, que identifican el ARN viral, y las pruebas serológicas que identifican antígenos virales o anticuerpos contra las proteínas virales del huésped son herramientas que las naciones pueden usar para combatir las epidemias producidas por agentes infecciosos El comprender cómo funcionan estas pruebas puede ayudar a entender sus características y cómo pueden ser usadas para diferentes objetivos clínicos y de salud pública Las pruebas diagnósticas son herramientas clave para reducir la transmisión viral, no solo en esta epidemia, sino para otras por venir
  • In the past four months SARS-CoV-2 has reached most countries in the world. Public health strategies based on widespread testing and proper isolation of positive cases have shown to be helpful to reduce local transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Confirmatory tests, that identify viral RNA, and screening serological tests that identify viral antigens or host antibodies against viral proteins are part of the tools that nations can use to fight infectious disease epidemics. Understanding how each test works can provide insights about their test characteristics and how they can be used for different clinical and public health goals. Testing is a key strategy to reduce viral transmission, not only for this epidemic, but also for others to come.
  • Colomb._med
  • Colomb_Med_(Cali)
  • unk
  • WHO
  • SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic testing alternatives for Latin America
  • #741772
  • #790166
  • 2020


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