  • Withdrawal: Muhammad Irshad, Sana Aroos Khattak, Muhammad Mubbashar Hassan, Mehwish Majeed, Sajid Bashir, \'How perceived threat of Covid-19 causes turnover intention among Pakistani nurses: A moderation and mediation analysis\', International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, https://doi org/10 1111/inm 12775 The above article, published online on 10 August 2020 in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary com), has been withdrawn by agreement between the journal Editor in Chief, Professor Kim Usher and John Wiley and Sons Ltd The withdrawal has been agreed due to the article containing copyright material for which permission was not obtained for reuse of a questionnaire from the following article in Traumatology, \'Fearing Future Terrorism: Development, Validation, and Psychometric Testing of the Terrorism Catastrophizing Scale (TCS)\' by Samuel J Sinclair and Alice LoCicero, 2007, Vol 13: 75-90
  • International_Journal_of_Mental_Health_Nursing
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  • Withdrawn: How perceived threat of Covid-19 causes turnover intention among Pakistani nurses: A moderation and mediation analysis
  • #991434
  • 2020


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