  • SNMMI COVID-19 Resource Center On March 27, SNMMI President Vasken Dilsizian, MD, announced the launch of the society’s online COVID-19 Resource Center in response to the global pandemic He noted a confluence of factors that were changing the nature of day-to-day nuclear medicine practice across the country Among these were: • Nuclear medicine physicians and technologists were being called on to step outside their areas of practice to help with issues related to COVID-19, sometimes with inadequate protection • Nuclear medicine researchers were facing mandatory closure of labs and discontinuation or delay of important research studies • Nuclear medicine pharmacists were challenged to ensure the availability of all needed clinical drugs, with growing concern about isotope supply pipelines • Educators were transitioning rapidly to virtual learning, with little preparation and limited resources • Residents and other trainees were confronting questions about ways to continue their educational paths in uncertain times • In some cases, nuclear medicine professionals were facing furloughs or layoffs as a result of decreases in or elimination of elective, outpatient, and other procedures As of this writing, these challenges not only persist but have been magnified by the impact of the virus spread The SNMMI COVID-19 Resource Center continues to consolidate information and resources to address these issues Special features include: • Information specific to nuclear medicine, including advice on ventilation/perfusion studies and updates on radioisotope supply, as well as useful articles from The Journal of Nuclear Medicine;• Government agency resources on COVID-19;• Other resources, such as American Medical Association and COVID-19 data websites;• Training and certification resources, with advice from nuclear medicine–related boards and associations;and • Current status of SNMMI activities, including the SNMMI Annual Meeting in June Information on the center is frequently updated and expanded with new resources Individuals with special concerns and questions are urged to send these to covidhelp@snmmi org The SNMMI COVID-19 Resource Center is available at http://www snmmi org/COVID-19 SNMMI
  • Journal_of_nuclear_medicine_:_official_publication,_Society_of_Nuclear_Medicine
  • unk
  • WHO
  • SNMMI COVID-19 Resource Center
  • #154810
  • 2020


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