  • Background: A new type of coronavirus is now around the world At present, all countries in the world are trying to stop the spreading of this virus Wuhan pneumonia is the seventh kind of coronavirus, which is called “2019 new coronavirus” There are currently six known human coronaviruses, four of which are less pathogenic, and the other two are severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS) The new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) that caused the outbreak was listed as the seventh species Because the symptoms of this virus are similar to SARS and MERS, medical staff and experts have been very cautious about this epidemic for the past two months Due to this unexpected and unprecedented event, everyone was tense Based on this situation the authors propose an idea to measure the work/stress levels of these front-line workers Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to measure the working pressure of frontline medical staff It can be used as a reference for future psychological testing or decompression to improve work efficiency Method: The concept of “fuzzy logic” was first proposed by Zadeh The main goals were to study uncertainty and imprecision that can be solved by fuzzy logic It can simulate human language and thinking to efficiently deal with a question The author uses four influencing factors as the membership function and rule base of “fuzzy inference” as follows: 1 Professional Attitude: Work performance and attitude;this also includes professional skills and knowledge 2 Human Relationships: Coexistence between colleagues;has good relationships, will get more help if they are active 3 Emotional Quotient: Management and control of emotions;this includes crisis process and response capabilities 4 Work Pressure: Professional burnout or enthusiasm A low degree of work enthusiasm may be expressed as high professional burnout If (Professional Attitude = Good) and (Human Relationships = Poor) and (Emotional Quotient = Moderate) then (Non-Work Pressure = Moderate) For example: if a staff member has a perfect work attitude and a poor relationship with a colleague, their emotional quotient is moderate and their professional enthusiasm is moderate It also means the work pressure is moderate, because their burnout is equal to enthusiasm Thus, we think the medical worker\'s pressure is medium Results and Conclusion: Medical Staff must deal with the major force of public opinion This implies the management of interpersonal relationships In this article, the authors use the fuzzy inference system to establish working pressure from a rule base However, we still cannot analyze the relationship between the working conditions of health care workers, work stress and interpersonal conflicts among colleagues We hope that this exploration will be included in future work to make up for the lack of this research
is ?:annotates of
  • Basic_and_Clinical_Pharmacology_and_Toxicology
  • unk
  • WHO
  • Measure of medical workers stress using fuzzy inference system: A case study by 2019-NCOV medical staff
  • #846881
  • 2020


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