refers to one of two nerves forming the vomeronasal-terminalis nerve complex from the lining of the nasal cavity to the brain. It is found in the rat ( Swanson-2004 ) and certain other animals ( Crosby-1962 ). Reports agree that the complex is demonstrable in the human fetus into the third trimester of gestation. They differ, however, as to whether it persists in the human beyond birth. Early authors said \'yes\' ( Crosby-1962 ); later authors say \'no\' ( Moran-1995 ).
The other component of the complex is the vomeronasal nerve. The two are located in close proximity throughout much of their course, but arise from different parts of the nasal epithelium and connect to somewhat different areas in the brain. They are distinct from the olfactory nerve, which is found in both rodents and primates. (See also: olfactory nerve, accessory olfactory bulb, and vomeronasal organ.)