  • Threads of natural, synthetic, or metallic material intended to sew a wound or incision together (i.e., approximate the edges and provide a method for wound closure). Sutures are either absorbable (e.g., surgical gut, polyglicolic acid) or nonabsorbable (e.g., silk, nylon, polypropylene, stainless steel). A suture may consist of only one thread (i.e., monofilament) or several threads (i.e., multifilament) that are frequently twisted or braided. The type of suture used depends on the size and location of the wound, the strength and period of use required, cosmetic effect desired, and/or other clinical or physical needs. Sutures are typically available in sterile sections (e.g., 18, 30 inches/45, 76 cm long) attached to a single-use needle as an integral device; they are frequently colored for easy identification during surgery.


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