  • refers to a composite structure that protrudes from the lateral surface of the the medulla at its junction with the pons and the cerebellar peduncles. The cochlear component of the vestibulocochlear nerve enters it from below. Defined on the basis of cytomyeloarchitecture it consists of the anteroventral cochlear nucleus, the posteroventral cochlear nucleus and the dorsal cochlear nucleus. In addition to the basic three nuclei the human has a superficial glial zone of the cochlear nuclei and a cap area of the ventral cochlear nuclei ( Moore-2004 ). The rat ( Swanson-2004 ) and the mouse ( Dong-2004 ) have a subpeduncular granular region of the cochlear nuclei, a granular lamina of the cochlear nuclei, and an interstitial nucleus of the auditory nerve as parts of the same complex. Functionally they are part of the subcortical auditory system ( Swanson-2004 )..


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