refers to a cytoarchitecturally defined part of the rostral amygdala. In the human ( Mai-1997 ) and the macaque ( Paxinos-2009a ) it is located dorsomedially; it is bounded medially by the entorhinal sulcus and laterally by the part of the ventral claustrum known as the endopiriform claustrum. Proceeding caudally its upper (in human) or lateral (in macaque) boundary is formed by the central amygdalar nucleus. Its ventral boundary is formed by the cortical amygdalar nucleus, the medial amygdalar nucleus and the accessory basal nucleus.
In the rat ( Paxinos-2009b ) and the mouse ( Franklin-2008 ) it is bounded by the same structures except that part of its rostromedial boundary is with the basal nucleus and part of the lower boundary is with the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract. Some authors regard the part of the area that meets the brain surface in the rat and mouse as belonging to the medial amygdalar nucleus ( Swanson-2004; Hof-2000 ).
Classically the anterior amygdalar area has been classified as part of the corticomedial nuclear group of the amygdala (Click \'Locus in Brain Hierarchy\' below; Carpenter-1983 ). In the Functional CNS Model - Rat it is part of the extended striatum ( Swanson-2004 ).