  • refers to neurons that surround the superior olive. Identified by Nissl substance they together with the superior olive and the trapezoid nucleus constitute the superior olivary complex ( Carpenter-1983 ). The grouping of cells identified in different species varies by author. In humans the dorsomedial periolivary nucleus is most clearly identified; less consistently identified are the medial periolivary nucleus, ventral periolivary nucleus, and rostral periolivary region ( Amunts-2012 ). In the macaque the groups include the dorsal periolivary region, medioventral periolivary nucleus, lateroventral periolivary nucleus, and superior paraolivary nucleus ( Paxinos-2009a ). Some authors distinguish the same subdivisions in the rat ( Paxinos-2009b ) and the mouse ( Franklin-2008 ). Others report that in the rat ( Swanson-2004 ) and the mouse ( Hof-2000 ) the neurons are not sufficiently organized to be reliably subgrouped. Functionally the periolivary region is part of the subcortical auditory system ( Swanson-2004 ).


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