  • refers to one of three or four components (in different species) of the parabrachial nuclei of the pontine tegmentum. It is located adjacent to the lateral surface of the superior cerebellar peduncle of the pons. In the human it is subdivided into four parts: central, dorsal, external, and superior ( Paxinos-2012 ). In the macaque it has central, dorsal, external, and ventral parts ( Paxinos-2009a ). In rodents it is more differentiated. In the rat seven parts are identified: central, dorsal, external, extreme, internal, superior, and ventral ( Swanson-2004 ); in the mouse it has five: central, dorsal, external, superior, and ventral ( Dong-2004 ). Some authors find an internal part in the mouse as well ( Franklin-2008 ). Functionally the nucleus belongs to the viscerosensory nuclei ( Swanson-2004 ).


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