Data processors designed to acquire and process digital data obtained from ultrasonic scanning systems. These processors typically consist of a computerized electronic unit that converts the ultrasonic echo signals in different shades of gray according to their level (i.e., amplitude) and displays them as an image on a high-resolution monitor; controls that permit the operator to optimize and/or magnify (i.e., zoom) the image and perform frame-by-frame examination; electronic and/or magneto-optical disks for information storage; and software appropriate for the intended application (e.g., cardiology, obstetrics). Ultrasonic scanning data processors are usually a component of an ultrasonic scanning system; most processors are capable of transmitting the processed data to a workstation or an information system (e.g., a picture archiving and communication system [PACS]), frequently using American College of Radiology/National Electrical Manufacturers Association Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) or other appropriate standards.