Eye (ophthalmic) surgery knives designed to make incisions in eye tissue during procedures intended to extract lenses with opacity (i.e., cataract) and/or to implant artificial intraocular lenses. These knives may have different shapes and sizes according to the surgical procedure used to extract the lens (e.g., phacoemulsification, sutureless nonphacoemulsification cataract extraction). Because each procedure includes the incision of tissue in different eye locations and the use of different cutting techniques, more than one type of knife is used in a given procedure. Cataract knives are available as reusable devices with diamond blades that permit a smooth cut, causing little refraction distortion or injury to adjacent tissues, and as single-use stainless steel devices with advantages regarding cost and transmission of infection, but with poorer performance. Use of disposable silicon blades with a performance similar to diamond blades is emerging. A wide variety of blade edge shapes, including phaco (blunt and sharp), crescent, straight, and micro-phaco (for micro incision cataract surgery) are available. Most cataract surgery knives are specific to a particular procedure (e.g., phacoemulsification, tunneling, bimanual phacoemulsification), but some cataract knives may be used in other ophthalmic surgery procedures.