  • Imaging media (e.g., screens, plates) with appropriate frequency response to permit safe visualization of laser beams in the visible spectrum. These devices may consist of a phosphorous screen that emits light in the visible spectrum (e.g., orange-red spectrum, 600-730 nm) when a laser beam in the near-infrared (e.g., diode, Nd:YAG) or visible spectrum with wavelength lower than 600 nm (e.g., argon, He:Ne, double-frequency Nd:YAG) impinges on the screen; the screen has a high persistence, allowing the observation of both continuous and pulsed laser beams. Devices configured as handheld cards and clip-on or tabletop-mounted units are available; similar devices intended for visualization of ultraviolet (UV) laser beams (e.g., excimer, nitrogen) are also available. Imaging media using other techniques are also available, including image plates that produce a real-time image of infrared laser beams using thermal-sensitive phosphorous plates and a UV light lamp and glasses that convert UV or infrared light into visible light. Imaging media devices are used mainly as a simpler means of obtaining visual images of laser beams for alignment and/or checking purposes.


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