  • Solutions designed to maintain temporal organ viability outside the human body, usually at cold temperatures close to zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit). These solutions consist of a variety of components mainly intended to prevent the cells from swelling during cold ischemic storage and stimulate recovery of normal metabolism after reperfusion. Several solutions are available for organ preservation under cold storage, including those based on a combination of potassium lactobionate, magnesium sulfate, adenosine, glutathione, and allopurinol among other ingredients (known as University of Wisconsin solution). Modifications and/or simplifications of the original University of Wisconsin solutions, products known as Euro-Collins solutions, and other solutions based on polyethylene glycol and/or containing mannitol or histidine-tryptophan ketoglutarate (HTK) are also available. Organ preservation solutions include particular solution for preservation of kidneys and pancreases for 72 hours and liver for 30 hours in a cold environment. Hearts may be preserved for shorter times (between 12 and 24 hours).


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