  • Devices designed to remove metabolic wastes through selective diffusion across the peritoneum by controlling the flow of a specially designed solution (i.e., a dialysate) into and out of the abdominal cavity (i.e., peritoneal dialysis). These devices consist of a machine that performs automated dialysis cycles, typically while the patient sleeps, by controlling the flow of dialysate. Peritoneal dialysis units infuse and remove dialysate by means of a catheter and a sterile disposable tubing system. A temporary catheter, or more frequently a permanently implanted abdominal catheter, provides access to the peritoneal cavity. Peritoneal dialysis is used less frequently than hemodialysis, it is especially indicated for patients who are unable to tolerate hemodialysis (e.g., the elderly, and patients with diabetes and/or other vascular cardiovascular conditions).


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