  • Radiometers designed to measure the radiant flux (also known as radiant power) in the ultraviolet (UV) range. These instruments typically include a prefilter to filter out the light of a wavelength not in the intended spectral range (e.g., ultraviolet A from 400 to 315 nm; ultraviolet B from 315 to 280 nm; ultraviolet C from 280 nm to 100 nm); a primary detector consisting of a temperature-stabilized, solid-state (e.g., selenium, indium-gallium-arsenide) diode used to detect radiation; electronic circuits, including an amplifier; an electric meter; a power source (e.g., a battery); and a display showing the results in either analog or digital format. Radiometers intended for measuring UV radiant flux are dedicated instruments with a power measuring range, accuracy, and resolution appropriate to their use; UV radiometers are used to measure the intensity of radiation during some therapeutic procedures (e.g., ultraviolet A and/or B during psoriasis treatment) and also to check the germicidal properties of UV lamps (UV-C radiometers). Power (i.e., electromagnetic radiation per unit time) is typically measured in microwatts, and power density in microwatt/cm2.


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