  • Food refrigerators with a cabinet-like storage compartment large enough to permit a person to enter; they are designed for storage of food products at temperatures typically between 4 and 10 degrees Celsius (39 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit). These refrigerators typically consist of a chamber made with a corrosion-resistant or corrosion-proof (typically stainless steel) interior, minimizing the risk of adulteration and/or contamination of contents; internal shelving appropriate for storage, easy location and handling of food products once the user is inside the chamber; a compressor, condenser, evaporator, and tubing; temperature sensors and controls and possibly a temperature recording chart and alarms for dependable long-term storage. Walk-in food storage refrigerators are available completely assembled or as separate structural elements (e.g., doors, panels, floors) and units (e.g., refrigeration system, condensing unit) for assembly at user facilities.


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