  • Resuscitators that combine in units the capabilities artificially create blood circulation and provide ventilation to a patient who is apneic or exhibits inadequate respiration and is simultaneously under cardiac arrest. These resuscitators apply mechanical compression cyclically to the thorax, producing a compression of the sternum at least five centimeters (two inches), forcing the heart to eject blood; pulmonary resuscitation is performed by using an integral pneumatic pulmonary resuscitator, typically applying time-cycled ventilation. Cardiopulmonary resuscitators are used as a substitute of manual external cardiac compression to prevent fatigue of emergency personnel and to provide a better consistency in the applied force and rate of compression to ventilation ratio. These resuscitators may be used during emergencies involving cardiopulmonary arrest if an oxygen cylinder or an oxygen-piped wall outlet is present; they can also be used during patient transportation in ambulances.


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