  • Manometers designed to measure the pressure in the nasal airways; most instruments can also determine the pressure gradient and the airflow through the upper airways. These manometers typically consist of a measuring and/or processing instrument (e.g., electronic) with probes that include pressure transducers (e.g., capable of reading values of pressure up to several centimeters or water/several hundred kPa and air flow up to 1000 ml/s); some rhinomanometers use ultrasound to determine the pressure and airflow. The use of a set of nose tips and masks of different sizes permits the performance of active anterior and posterior rhinomanometry in both children and adults. Some rhinomanometers include computerized capabilities or connections to personal computers for data processing and storage. Rhinomanometers are intended to measure nasal respiratory resistance for diagnosis (e.g., septum deviation, allergy tests, adenoid or tonsil enlargement), control of therapy progress after surgery or to assess efficiency of applied medications.


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