  • Steam sterilizing units designed for total inactivation of microorganisms that are or may be present on medical devices using pressurized steam; the devices should not be sensitive to high temperature, water, or steam; these units are intended for sterilization of small quantities of medical devices and/or supplies. This equipment usually consist of a tabletop unit including a treatment chamber of less than 0.015 cubic meters (5 cubic feet) with shelves on which the devices to be sterilized are placed, usually after being cleaned of gross debris and then packed; means to introduce the steam into the chamber typically from an integral steam generator; and controls to regulate the time and/or temperature of the procedure. Frequently the time and temperature of the sterilizing cycles are pre-established according the type of device to be sterilized; typical sterilization temperature range is 121 to 135 degrees Celsius (250 to 275 degrees Fahrenheit). After the sterilization cycle is complete, the steam is exhausted. Units that use gravity or partial vacuum to facilitate the extraction are available. Tabletop steam sterilizing units are used mainly in operating suites, labor and delivery areas, and clinical laboratories; they are also used in physicians\' offices, outpatient medical-surgical facilities, and dentists\' offices.


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