  • Detectors designed to sense strain in lenses mounted on eyeglasses. These detectors typically include a polarized light source and two polarized lenses; the amount of light visible in the lens and the pattern of the light show the degree and type of strain in the lenses. Eyeglass lens strain detectors can determine both excessive strain on the lenses and if adequate stress has been placed on the lens to keep it from wobbling or being accidentally dislodged from the frame; the detectors can be used also to verify that the lenses have been appropriately heat-treated for impact resistance.
  • Detectors designed to sense the deformation produced in an object by an applied force (i.e., strain). These detectors determine the presence of strain and also if it is beyond some pre-established limit, but usually do not measure accurately the intensity of the strain. Strain detectors are based in the change of some characteristic of a physical property of a sensor due to the strain, such as variations in electric resistivity, conduction of ultrasonic waves, or polarization of light in translucent objects.


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